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Energy Conservation: Bedrooms/Home office

Bedrooms/home office areas often have small appliances that are used infrequently. These include televisions, computers, printers, re-chargers, shredders, clock radios, and so on.

You can change what kind of light bulbs you use in these rooms.

Heavier drapes are a good option to minimize drafts on windows.

Rather than using an air conditioner, you can opt for a ceiling fan.

Hardwood floors are more eco-friendly since some synthetic material carpets have off-gases that can have an impact on your home’s air quality. Natural fiber carpet is better than synthetic material carpet.

Power bars are useful as you can turn them off when the appliances are not in use. This reduces phantom loads, or the energy used by appliances simply by being plugged in.

An LCD television uses less energy than plasma.

A notebook or laptop computer uses less energy than a desktop.

When purchasing or replacing office equipment, make sure you purchase ENERGY STAR rated equipment.

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